
In:Turkey Tips, Turkey Tricks

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It is February and the weather man is calling for up to 5 inches of snow tonight.  I have cabin fever so bad it’s a wonder I am not going around saying “redrum” to myself, well ok it’s not that bad but I am ready for the redbuds to start blooming, morel mushrooms to start popping and those ridge top monarchs to start gobbling.

It’s about this time each year I start getting myself worked up about the upcoming spring turkey season or seasons in my case since I try and hunt a few different states each year to make spring turkey season last as long as I can.  Here are a few things you can do between now and this spring’s season to help you cure some of your cabin fever and start to get you ready for spring turkey season.

First grab that turkey vest and take everything out of it. If you are like me you will find things you forgot you even had.  Check all your decoys and stakes, all your Ozark Ridge friction calls and strikers to make sure all is in good working order. You don’t want to find out something is not working right on opening morning. Would also suggest putting in an extra pair of camo gloves and an extra facemask, funny how I always end up losing those things.

Next would be to head out to a local outdoor show or National Wild Turkey Federation banquet to see what is new in turkey hunting gear this year.  This also will allow you to get out of the house for a day or evening, talk turkey with guys and gals feeling the cabin fever just like you and if at a NWTF banquet raise money to help “Save the Habitat and Save the Hunt” for the future generations to enjoy.

Also, on those late winter days that are nice get out to your hunting spot and do some preseason turkey scouting.  It is never too early to start scouting and getting to know the property you hunt better to help improve your woodsmanship.  You can also do some shed hunting at the same time, which is great to do with the kids!

I hope this will give you a start on some things to do to get you through the last bit of winter and ready for the best time of year, at least in my opinion.

Kevin Hess, ORC Pro staff